Student Life
Clubs and Activities
Outside of the classroom, SRDS students participate in a vibrant culture of clubs, organizations, and activities to enrich their learning experience. Participation fosters student growth in the school community and promotes engagement with personal passions and areas of curiosity. Club meeting time is built into the school day to ensure students make connections with their peers and build their resumes early, without having to worry about it conflicting with sports or other after-school commitments.
There are abundant opportunities for students to participate and lead in an array of extracurricular activities. Below is a list of clubs, publications, and co-curricular programs available to all SRDS Upper School students. Additionally, students with unique passions have the ability to start new clubs. The list is constantly expanding and evolving in response to the interests of our student body. Current co-curricular activities include:
Ambassador Program
American Red Cross Club
Astronomy Club
Chem Club
Closing Bell
Club Être
Cooks 4 a Cause
Crochet Club
Diversity Club
Dungeons and Dragons Club
Entrepreneurship Club
Environmental and Sustainability Club
Game Changers-Bergen County
Gardening Club
Help Foundation
Innovation Team
Jewish Student Union
Mandarin Club
Math League
Mimesis (Literary journal)
Model UN
Morgan's Message
Music Heals the World
Operation Smile
Performing Arts Club
Ping Pong Club
Pre-Med Club
Programming Club
Programming Club
Rebel Leaders
Rebel Report
RoboRebels Robotics Team
Rock Climbing Club
Science Olympiad
SRDS Food Drive
SRDS Students for Service
Student Council
Teen Writer's Club
Videography Club
Weight Lifting Club
There is always room for student interest to begin a new club/program. Students will need to make sure the following steps are completed in order to begin a club/program:
- Have a list of at least five (5) students/classmates that are willing to commit to the club/program
- Create a program description and mission statement
- Have a faculty member that has signed off on the proposal and is willing to advise the program/club
- Submit a final proposal for approval