Middle School Curriculum


In English courses throughout the Middle School, certain goals remain constant as students develop and progress. All English courses help students to read intelligently, write well, speak effectively, and listen attentively. Students are taught to analyze, criticize, judge—with eye, ear, mind, voice, and pen to express these skills in an appropriate fashion. Since students make use of their analytical, critical, evaluative, and judging capacities in all disciplines, the English Department coordinates with other Departments to provide students with many opportunities for practical application of their knowledge and skills throughout their courses.  

Activities that train students to analyze, criticize, evaluate, and judge are the mainstays of the language arts: reading, writing, speaking and listening. In our English courses, students develop a sense of the chronology of literature and of one’s heritage, which includes elements of Greek, Roman, and Judeo-Christian civilizations, as well as the diverse cultures that constitute aspects of both our diverse student population and our American experience. Through the use of essential questions, the English Department seeks to provoke deep thought, lively discussion, sustained inquiry, and new understandings within its students, as well as spark meaningful connections with prior learning and personal experiences. At the heart of all the English Department’s activities is the conviction that reading, writing, speaking, and listening demand a high degree of intellectual sophistication, emotional conviction, and personal discipline, which we address in developmentally appropriate ways as the students progress throughout their years at SRDS.

In the English program each course builds on the skills and experiences students acquire in previous grades. Throughout the Middle English courses, students learn vocabulary and grammar; explore the reading and writing of major literary genres including poetry, short story, drama, essay, memoir, graphic novels and traditional novels; and hone their oral presentation skills with presentations to their classmates and larger audiences. Every Saddle River Day School student takes at least one English course every year.


The Middle School math program has three main components.  The arithmetic component is designed to build basic skills and expand their applications.  The two other components incorporate basic skills in algebra and geometry.  Math 5 utilizes the Dimensions Mathematics program to help the students enhance their problem-solving skills.  In Grade 6, students take Pre-Algebra. In Grade 7, students take Algebra I or Algebra I Honors.  In Grade 8, students will take Geometry or Geometry Honors.  This opens up a range of future possibilities for students.

Starting in Middle School, all students are taught to use the graphing calculator.  They are required to purchase an appropriate graphing calculator to use in the classroom and at home. 

Summer Academy - Students looking to further advance their math study can also sign up for many of these classes through our Summer Academy.  Classes usually run for six weeks from the end of June - early August.   


The science department's courses are designed to be comprehensive as well as diverse in order to meet the needs of every student. Middle School science begins to take the students deeper into the specific topics of human biology, life science, earth science and conceptual physics. 

Accelerated Science Track - Started in 2022-2023, advanced rising 7th-grade students may test into the Accelerated Science Program to place into Science 8 or Honors Biology. Advanced rising 8th graders may be placed into Honors Biology. Upon successful completion of Honors Biology, students may continue on the advanced track by taking Honors Chemistry in their 8th or 9th-grade year.

Summer Academy - Students looking to further advance their science study can also sign up for many of these classes through our Summer Academy.  Classes usually run for six weeks from the end of June - early August.   

Social Sciences

The purpose of the study of history and the social sciences is to help students understand themselves and their relationships to history and culture through an investigation of the varieties of the human experience. The History and Social Sciences Department curriculum emphasizes a world perspective, which asks students to appreciate the global connectedness that has existed for most of human history. The curriculum in the middle schools provides opportunities for students to investigate many areas of this experience: intellectual, aesthetic, religious, philosophical, political, economic, social, and psychological.

In the history and social sciences program for grades five through twelve, each course builds on certain skills students have acquired in previous grades. For example, students learn to analyze critically both primary and secondary sources. There is a strong emphasis in all courses on developing students’ abilities to express themselves clearly and logically, both verbally and in writing. Many courses use art, literature, and music to enrich understanding.

World Languages

The principal goal of the World Language Department is to instill a love of language and an appreciation of the cultures beyond these languages. We encourage our students to achieve an excellent level of communication in speaking and in writing. Listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing are the traditional skills that are stressed throughout the world language experience. Field trips and trips abroad may be offered as further enrichment.
The middle school program offers students the opportunity to study Spanish in 5th and 6th grade.  They may choose to continue to study Spanish or choose French or Arabic in 7th and 8th grade and sometimes may be able to continue with two languages (based on their individual skills).

Performing Arts

SRDS has a dynamic and diverse instrumental music program that provides a solid foundation of the skills needed to play an instrument and to perform with it in an ensemble.  Instruction begins in the Lower School, continues through the Middle School, and culminates with our students participating in our Upper School Band, Jazz Ensemble, String Ensemble, and Guitar Ensemble.  

The choral program is designed to provide the opportunity for each student in grades Pre-K-12 to learn the proper vocal techniques and skills needed to perform various vocal repertoire.  Special emphasis is placed on learning rudimentary skills such as proper air support, proper resonance, sight-reading, audible acuity, blending, style, and showmanship.  Participation in an SRDS choir provides opportunities for the students to express their personal creativity, build their self-esteem, learn self-discipline, and master a variety of skills which can be applied to their lives both on and off the stage.  

Visual Arts

The visual arts are a means to gain personal satisfaction through individual accomplishment in the creation of images and forms.  The program is solidly based on a respect and understanding of where students are creatively, what they require from their work, and the means to move them from one developmental stage to another as they become more expressive, inventive, and perceptive.  The program focuses on artistic creation as the central component throughout, with perceptual and reflective elements growing out of the students’ active involvement with materials and processes.  Through expressive/creative experiences, students become familiar with such facets of artistic thinking as; the ability to formulate problems and create multiple solutions, the ability to pursue a project over time, the willingness to solve problems inventively, the ability to take risks, and finally to reflect critically on one’s own work.  Students develop a way of thinking that functions beyond the studio into other areas of the curriculum.
The program focuses primarily on the uniqueness of the individual, fostering and valuing the specific expressive qualities and interests of each student as she/he progresses through K - 12.  Collaborative work exists, but its goals are secondary to the individual.

Enrichment: Digital Curriculum & Capstone Projects

The general aim of physical education is to aid in the maximal development of each student's mental, emotional, physical, and social competencies through the media of selected physical activities.  These activities, selected as to need and value, shall help each student find a pattern for living, which will serve them well today and in their future.  Furthermore to give each student a sense of enjoyment and appreciation of sport as it relates to their emotional health.

Health and Physical Education

The general aim of physical education is to aid in the maximal development of each student's mental, emotional, physical, and social competencies through the media of selected physical activities.  These activities, selected as to need and value, shall help each student find a pattern for living, which will serve them well today and in their future.  Furthermore to give each student a sense of enjoyment and appreciation of sport as it relates to their emotional health.

Early Childhood
Pre-K 3 - K

Lower School
Grades 1-4

lower school

Middle School
Grades 5-8

Upper School
Grades 9-12