The SRDS RoboRebels robotics team took part in the first official FTC SkyStone competition of the season on Sunday, 11/3 at Millburn High School. Nearly 30 local NJ teams were in attendance at the tournament.
The RoboRebels was the first team chosen by the winning school for a potential alliance! For a second year team to already be one of the top 10 teams at the competition is huge, especially considering the competition is against teams that have been around for 10+ years.
The RoboRebels, in an alliance with Dwight Englewood HS, also scored the highest single-match point total of the day, 63 points! The SRDS robot (a.k.a. “Bob”) utilized its new design to better secure, transport, and ultimately help stack the power stones needed to gain points. At Sunday’s tournament, the team was able to stack 3 stones on top of another, the first successful stacking of the season for the Rebels.
The team observed best practices, met some new robotics friends, and nailed down strategies for future versions of the robot and successful planning techniques. Both coaches were incredibly proud of the team and the early season success.